Dr. Katy Elmaliah
Dr. Katy Elmaliah is a widely renown and experienced expert in international commercial matters in Israel, Switzerland and Germany.
Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia (today Czech Republic), Katy Elmaliah studied law in Switzerland where she was accredited as an attorney and, in 1996, immigrated to Israel and, after passing the Israeli bar exam, joined the Israeli Bar Association. Katy has extensive expertise in all aspects of commercial law and international business law. She holds a Ph.D. in law, is a notary in Israel, has published numerous scientific papers and two books. She speaks and writes 7 languages. ​

Practice Areas
Commercial Law
Corporate Law
Tax Law
International and Commercial Litigation
Inheritance and Trust Law
Civil Law
Real Estate Law
Professional Experience
Research assistant for Contract and Private International Law, University of Zurich (1989-1991).
Awarded a grant from the Swiss National Fund for the Support of Scientific Research and the French National Fund for scientific research for her doctorate in international media law.
Associate at a major Swiss commercial law firm
Associate at a major Israeli commercial law firm (M. Seligman)
Lecturing at various professional organizations in Germany, Switzerland, and Israel.
Israel Bar
Israeli German Lawyer`s Association
Bavaria Bar (as foreign Lawyer)
Swiss Bar
German Israeli Chamber of Commerce
STEP Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
Israel-Switzerland & Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce
German, Hebrew, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech
The Recognition of Divorces form Non-European States – the Example of Israeli Divorce: Katerina Elmaliah / Felix S. Thomas, FamRZ 2018, 739-746.
Chapter on Israeli Foundation Law in: Handbook on the International Law of Foundations (Zerb Verlag, Germany, 2007);
Report on Germany and Switzerland in: Elmaliah, Samarelli, Ernest et al., Inheritance Law in Israel and in the other States of the World (Hebrew), Ozar HaMishpath, 2007;
Alon Kaplan, Katy Elmaliah, Estate Planning under Israeli Law, Internationale Wirtschaftsbriefe 2000, 989-992;
Alon Kaplan, Katy Elmaliah, Erbschaftsplanung nach israelischem Recht (Estate Planning under Israeli Law), Internationale Wirtschaftsbriefe, 2000, 989-992;
General Editor of Israelisches Wirtschaftsrecht (The Commercial Laws of Israel), a book pulished in German at Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich, 1998; Israeli Law of Agency (publication in German), Internationale Wirtschafts-Briefe, 1996, p. 131-134;
Israeli Law of Enterprise (publication in German), Internationale Wirtschafts-Briefe, 1995, p. 937-944;
The New Practice of the Swiss Court of Commerce regarding the Term “International” as a Part of the registered Trade Name of a Company (publication in German), Yearbook of the Commercial Register, 1994;
Right of Reply – Droit de Réponse, a Comparative Study on the Mass Media Laws of Germany, France and Switzerland (publication in German), a book published at Stämpfli Verlag, Berne 1993, as a part of the Publication Series on Mass Media and Intellectual Property Law;
Right of Reply or Right to Publish Extremist Views? (publication in German), Plädoyer 1993/6;
Contribution to a Commentary on the Swiss Act on Private International Law: Heini/Keller/Vischer/Volken, IPRG Kommentar, published Zurich 1993; Political Criminal Law in Turkey (publication in German)