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International Family Law

Our private clients department under the lead of Adv. Elena Rabner-Arazi avails of a vast experience with family matters spanning over more than one jurisdiction. Along with her specialized legal knowledge, Elena and her team are aware of the increased necessity of a personal approach in this field. She and her team will take the time to understand your personal family needs and act accordingly. We are of the opinion that the law should fit the family and not vice versa.



1. Recognition of Foreign Marriages and Divorces in Israel or in Germany


Any decision that originates in one country but is to have effect in another must, in principle, be recognized by the country in which the decision is to have effect. This applies to court decisions as well as to decisions of registry offices in Germany, rabbinical courts in Israel and other authorities.


The law of marriage and divorce in Israel is very different from the law in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As a law firm for international private law, we will help you to have the decision obtained recognized in the respective other country. Recognition often has far-reaching effects and can be a necessary condition for further actions in family law.




2. Prenuptial Agreements for multinational couples


If you would like to record your asset relationships contractually and legally secure, you need a prenuptial agreement. This must meet special formal requirements in order to be effective and to stand up in court in the event of a dispute. If you want this contract to comply with several legal systems, you may have to observe different regulations at the same time. 


We will be happy to advise you on the possible regulatory content, advantages and disadvantages of individual agreements and the necessary formal requirements in several countries.




3. Recognition of Adoptions in Israel and in Germany


International adoptions require a great deal of perseverance on the part of the adoptive parents. In the bureaucratic jungle that adoptive parents face, the more legal systems are involved, the opaquer it becomes. Our clients include same-sex couples as well as heterosexual couples, adoptions from a partner as well as adoptions from a surrogate mother.


We help you obtain state recognition of a foreign adoption for your adopted child and family and determine family law issues in the other country. 


In providing advice, we specialize in Israeli, German and Swiss law and its international implications. We place special emphasis on the comprehensive settlement of all outstanding issues so that you and your child can grow together as a family.




4. The Health Care Proxy (lasting Power of Attorney) under Israeli Law


In Israel, powers of attorney can be issued in the event of incapacity - similar to the so-called Vorsorgevollmacht in Germany ("Ipui Koach Mitmashech"). An important prerequisite for the effective establishment of this power of attorney is that the grantor of the power of attorney is fully competent at the time of its establishment. The content of such a power of attorney can be tailored entirely to individual needs and wishes, as the law offers a great deal of scope for drafting.


A health care power of attorney normally covers three areas of regulation, on which our clients seek advice: Property issues, health issues, and personal area regulations. Each section can be kept general or can be provided with detailed wishes and instructions.


Power of attorney recipients are often persons whom the grantor trusts to act according to his wishes and in his best interests in the event of loss of capacity. Often these are spouses, children and other close trusted persons. Advice regarding a post-mortem power of attorney may only be given in Israel by attorneys specially certified for this purpose.


Our attorneys are qualified to provide advice and, thanks to their experience, can provide you with comprehensive assistance in questions concerning the post-mortem power of attorney. In particular, you will find professional advisors in international asset and family relationships. 


Incidentally, Israeli law also recognizes foreign health care proxies under certain conditions. We have successfully handled numerous proceedings for the recognition of foreign powers of attorney. Our team will be happy to advise you on all questions concerning the preparation of an Israeli health care power of attorney and the recognition of a foreign power of attorney in Israel.

Recognition of Foreign Marriages and Divorces in Israel or in Germany
Recognition of Adoptions in Israel and in Germany
Prenuptial Agreements for multinational couples
The Health Care Proxy (lasting Power of Attorney) under Israeli Law

Always At Your Service​


Ben Gurion 1A, Lyfe B Tower
51201 Bnei Brak (Tel Aviv)

Tel: 03-6189995
Fax: 03-6199386


Widenmayerstr. 17
80538 Munich
Tel: +49 89 29 75 71
Fax: +49 89 29 16 09 41


Florastrasse 49, P.O. Box

8032 Zurich


Tel: +41 44 421 36 36

Fax: +41 44 421 36 37

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